Writing Tips
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Writing Tips

Writing Tips on Abstract and Keywords

Some writing tips on the Abstract and Keywords writing are given as follows, when you write your papers, you may check it following them.
An abstract should summarize the authors' main contributions of the paper not the subjective assessment of the writer(s). It should contain only what you are specifically reporting in the manuscript. And please note that the material in the abstract should not be repeated later word for word in the paper. When you write Abstract, you may refer to the list as follows:
a) What the problem to be resolved? Or what is the author's focus in this paper?
b) How do you solve the problem? Or what is the method or process to solve the problem?
c) What results do you achieved and what conclusions are drawn from the study of the problem?
d) What is new and original in this paper? How do you evaluate your results compared with existing achievements in quantitive words?
e) Note that to eliminate or minimize background information in abstract.
f)  Limit the abstract within 150 words.
e) The descriptions referring to the research background are not suggested in the abstract.
And please check that the style of writing is in the third person throughout, especially in the abstract.
Keywords are a list of the major topics embodied in your article. Be as specific as possible in describing the concepts or ideas in the article. Most articles are well indexed if they use 5 to 8 indexing keywords. So, please check that the keywords are appropriate for information retrieval purposes, at least 4 keywords.

General Guidelines for Academic Writing

     In general, it is inappropriate simply to write as you would speak in academic writing. In conversation, the listener can ask for clarification or elaboration easily, and thus the speaker can use imprecise language, ramble from topic to topic freely, and so on. Instead, academic writing must stand on its own, conveying the author's ideas clearly through words alone. As a result, academic writing requires substantial effort to construct formal language relevant to a well-defined topic. The best academic writing will be difficult to write but very easy to read.
     Rules for academic writing are quite strict, though often unstated. Academic writing is used in scientific papers or reports whenever you want to convey your ideas to readers, with many possible backgrounds and assumptions. Unlike casual conversation or emails to friends, academic writing needs to be clear, unambiguous, literal, and well structured.

     The checklist below will help you revise and polish drafts of academic papers. After checking your draft against these points, ask a colleague to help you in areas that need work or that you do not understand.

  1. Is your contributions original or reasonably interesting?
  2. Is your contributions (main ideas) clearly stated in the abstract?
  3. Have you included enough evidence or proof carefully and explained how it proves your point?
  4. Is your paper logical? Is there any contradiction in your paper?
  5. If appropriate have you given enough references?
  6. Is your sentence style straightforward and concise? (No wordiness)
  7. Is your grammar basically correct? Have you proofread the final copy?

Write in Sentences

     Sentences have the following characteristics: they start with a capital letter; end with a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark; and contain a verb (doing word).
     Authors commonly make the mistake of not writing in full sentences (they fail to provide a main clause in their "sentence") or write very long sentences that would be better chopped into smaller ones. Short, clear sentences are usually more effective than those which are long and complex. If you are in any doubt, split up any longer sentences into two or three shorter ones. This advice is especially important if you find writing difficult or English is not your first language: short sentences will help you avoid grammatical mistakes and make it easy for the reader to follow your line of ideas.


General Information

  • ISSN: 1796-217X (Online)

  • Abbreviated Title: J. Softw.

  • Frequency:  Biannually

  • APC: 500USD

  • DOI: 10.17706/JSW

  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Antanas Verikas

  • Executive Editor: Ms. Cecilia Xie

  • Abstracting/ Indexing: DBLP, EBSCO,
           CNKIGoogle Scholar, ProQuest,
           INSPEC(IET), ULRICH's Periodicals
           Directory, WorldCat, etc

  • E-mail: jsweditorialoffice@gmail.com

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